Tuesday, August 28, 2007

School is starting out good

I got all the online class information over the weekend, and last night was the first night of Math. I think I'm going to be really glad that I did not take this math class over the internet. I'm just not a math person, and it is hard for me. And since I'm a very even learner - I learn best with both audio and visual prompts, I think an actual class will be the best for me. The instructor was pretty cool, and apparently a lot of people in the class have had him before. It's been almost 10 years since I took any math, so I've got my work cut out for me. Tonight is my honors English class with the same instructor I had many moons ago for the 1301 class. I am very excited because she is a very dynamic teacher, and I look forward to a great class with her.

Hope everyone else had a great first day of school!

1 comment:

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

I'm glad your first class went well. My last math class was 28 years ago, so I know I would need some serious help!