Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Going good...

I know some of you are wondering how things are going for me, so I'll just post a quick update. Don't want to be too positive about it...last time I did that, the universe snatched it back from me! But so far, so great. I really like the people I'm working with, I'm catching on quickly to the work and my boss is very impressed because apparently I'm much, much better than the person I'm replacing, and I am very happy. Not especially crazed with the pay dates that fall on the 15th and end of the month, but I guess they'll do. :)

That 'other thing' that is happening in my life looks like it may be resolved and finalized sometime in September or October, and that makes me happy. Yes, I am still devastated and sad, but at the very same time I am so excited to be on my own and doing my own thing. D has moved on in so many ways, and I am proud to say that I am doing the same thing. I'm not ready to start dating again or anything like that, but I'm feeling pretty darn good about where I am at right now. Still continuing to lose weight, the new job, spending time with good friends and making new ones, and I start school on the 27th. I can't say that things couldn't be better, but they are pretty darn good at this point.

Thanks for reading!!!


Margaret said...

Sounds good, Sharon! Ihope everything continues to go well for you! If there's anything I can do to help, don't hesitate to ask!

Jill in CA said...

I'm so happy for you!! I hope the job continues to be great and that "that other thing" resolves peacefully as mine did. It can take awhile to heal but it sounds like you're on your way.

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

{{{Sharon}}} - I'm glad that things are starting to look up for you - you desrve it so much, sweetie!

Just remember that you have your friends here that you can lean on at any time if you need to!!

Glenda said...

Keep up the great work. You're certainly on roll!