Tuesday, July 3, 2007

And still the job hunt continues...

completely fruitlessly. I thought I had a real chance at that City of Richardson job, so I was very disappointed not to be one of the finalists. I've also come to realize that a staffing agency that I thought was interested in hiring me as a recruiter is apparently not so interested. I'm still applying for everything I am qualified for that I can find on Monster, Careerbuilder and Hot Jobs, but so far nothing has panned out. I applied for another Richardson city job - finger crosses that I can get an interview at least on that one.

I went to a Divorcecare meeting last night. The video at the beginning was very churchy and preachy, and that was hard for me. I just substituted 'universe' or 'karma' everytime they said 'god' or 'jesus' and it helped. The support group after was better, and it was nice to know that even other women who have good jobs are sort of in the same boat I am emotionally. I think I will probably go again, but I'll have to ask D to take eldest daughter to her therapy appointments on Mondays if I do.

Today should be kind of a chill day around here - the contractor is coming to keep working (I hope) and I'm working to get the house arranged the way I want it now. Lots of furniture moving and cleaning to be done, especially since the painter my contractor used did not do the greatest job ever of cleaning up after himself. But at least it keeps me busy, right?

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Good luck with the job hunt. It's tough to find the right job these days. I know I struggled to find my job when I was looking! It will pick up and you'll find where you're suppoed to be. DIvorceCare videos do tend to be a little preachy, but the support group I think will make a lot of difference for you. I know I made some good lasting friendships through my group!